Why the Break is Important, Part 2

Yesterday I said that during the break I like to focus on three things: Rest, Reflect, and Refocus.  Let me elaborate.

Rest – This is a crucial part of the break, and it shouldn’t be overlooked.  Lifegroup leaders should use the break to first just take a breath and relax.  This is healthy and part of a normal growth cycle.  It’s part of how we were designed by God.  Plants have a rest phase as part of their growth cycle.  Children tend to grow in spurts.  God created everything and then rested.  The purpose of our Sabbath is not just worship but also a day to set aside for many reasons, including rest.  The group seasons use this principle as well.

Reflect – While rest during the break is important, it is by no means the only purpose of the break.  As the season is winding down and the break is beginning, I want to spend some time intentionally evaluating the results of the season.  This allows me to understand better how I should lead the group going forward.  I ask questions like: “What was effective and not effective with the STUDY, PRAY, SERVE, and PLAY portions of the group?“  “Who in my group stepped up and is looking to take more of a role in the group?”  “Who should I spend some time investing in on a one-on-one basis?”  “How can I improve my leadership style to encourage growth in my group?”  The answers to these questions and prayer lead me to the next phase of my break.

Refocus – I think of this as an implementation phase for the break.  I spend time reading the material we will study the next season to make sure it is appropriate for the group and that I am ready to lead.  I spend time with some of my people to encourage them, grow them, and increase their involvement with the group.  During this time I also like to have monthly group activities to keep the relationships alive and keep the energy of the group focused into the next season.  The goal of this time is also to get the details for the next season nailed down so that I can register the group and get that done.  Having the practical when, where, and what details squared away frees me up to focus on the people and relationships in my group.  People are what groups are all about.

I filled out my webform a couple days ago, so I am ready for the next season!  Fill your out at coolchurch.com/startgroup and lets get ready for an awesome Spring season together!

Michael Inman
Abundant Life Church
Small Groups Director

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