What is a lifegroup?

A lifegroup is a small group of 8-16 people who meet in a convenient community location at least twice per month to make new friends, have fun, and grow closer to God as they study, pray, serve and play together. Lifegroups are a great place to form new friendships, grow spiritually, and experience care.

How important are lifegroups?

Lifegroups are an integral part of Abundant Life Church. The Bible teaches that life was not meant to be lived in isolation. Life is a team sport. Groups are the place in our church where life is shared and growth happens. It is in a group where we study God’s Word together and talk about it relates to our lives. It is in a group where we offer care for each other by sharing our lives and praying for one another. It is in a group where we develop deeper friendships with each other as we play and have fun together. And it is in a group where we practice being the hands and feet of Jesus by serving our community and church together. Groups are where we make the message of the church practical.

When and where do they meet?

Lifegroups meet on various days and times throughout the week. Most groups meet in homes, but some meet at the church, restaurants, parks or coffee shops in the area. You can see a list of open groups at the beginning of each season at www.coolchurch.com/lifegroup.

How long do they last?

Lifegroup seasons run three times a year, for 8-12 weeks, similar to a college course schedule. Sign-ups for each lifegroup season take place the month before the season starts. Each season every Lifegroup starts BRAND NEW – so don’t worry about being new!

What is the required commitment?

Joining a lifegroup requires a short 10-12 week commitment to attend weekly or bi-weekly meetings and to keep up with any home work that is part of the study. Obviously, your group will understand when things come up such as sickness, vacation, work conflicts, or other special events. For the health and consistency of your group, your attendance and participation is important.

What will we study?

All groups are encouraged to use a study guide to help provide direction and solid teaching for the group throughout the season.

During the fall season, groups are encouraged to use a study guide that accompanies the weekend message series. This allows for the group to talk more in depth through the fall kick off series. We try to do a study together as a church in the Fall.

Groups may also choose from a wide variety of great studies that address such topics as marriage, spiritual growth, parenting, leadership, men’s issues, women’s issues, etc.

Groups may also choose to use a study guide to walk through a book of the Bible together. You can get great study suggestions at the curriculum page of this blog, or at www.coolchurch.com/lifegroup.

What does it cost?

Few things in life are free. Lifegroups are no exception.

The first cost of lifegroups is the cost of commitment. At your first group meeting each season, you will have an opportunity to sign a commitment to one another form. This will allow you to solidify your commitment and investment of time to the group.

The second cost is materials. Cost for study guide materials vary, but the average cost for a study guide is about $10.

The possible third cost is childcare. There are several great options for groups to handle childcare – check out the childcare section below.

What about childcare?

Lifegroups are for adults only. (Exceptions are made for nursing newborns, up to about 6 months). Ultimately, it is up to each family to work out their own childcare. But, here are a few great suggestions for your group to work together on a childcare solution:

1. Hire a sitter or two (depending on how many kids) to watch the kids in a different area of the house whild the adults meet in another area.

2. Hire a sitter or two (depending on how many kids) to watch the kids at a nearby house while the adults meet in another house close by.

3. Switch childcare responsibilities with another lifegroup that meets on a different night.

4. Take turns within the group watching the kids in a different area of the house.

Different groups will come up with different solutions to the childcare question. All lifegroup leaders are given a list of screened childcare providers.

How do I choose a group?

We suggest that you look through the available groups in the catalog or at www.coolchurch.com/lifegroup to find a group that most interests you. Most people search for a group of people who are in similar stages of life, or that are studying a specific topic. You can read a short description of each group, see who the group is intended for, and find out what they are studying in the catalog or online. If you have a question about any of the groups, or need help finding something specific, don’t hesitate to contact the involvement team at 503-658-8271 or email us at groups@coolchurch.com.

You can also stop by the involvement counter between weekend services and someone would be happy to help you find the right group.

How do I sign up for a lifegroup?

We offer signups for lifegroups during the month before the start of each season.

– Sign-ups for Spring Lifegroups are open in January

– Sign-ups for Summer Lifegroups are open in May

– Sign-ups for Fall Lifegroups are open in September

There are three easy ways to sign up for a group:

1. Visit us at the involvement counter, we will help you find a group, and fill out a connection card and drop it in the box. (Connection cards are provided at the involvement counter.

2. During sign-up month, catalogs are included in your bulletin. Simply write the group number you want to sign-up for on the card and we will get you plugged in.

3. Visit us online at www.coolchurch.com/lifegroup

Are there lifegroups for teenagers?

Yes, we have many great lifegroups for both junior and high school students.  These groups are not included in our adult lifegroup publications, but you can contact our student ministry group director at 503-658-8721 x.249 and they would be more than happy to get you the information you need.