Filling Your Group

As we get ready to kick off a new lifegroup season many leaders are looking to grow their group by adding new people.  Here are a few simple tips to help you grow your group.

1.  Pray!  Ask God to bring the people to your group who He wants to be part of your group.

2.  Actively Invite.  Most people join a group from personal invite.  So get creative about who you might invite to your group.  Think about who you sit next to in church.  Is there a neighbor you can invite?

3.  Promote your group at church.  One great way to meet people is to come help at the Involvement counter after Sunday services.  Here you can meet people and talk to them about your group.  You can also hold a sign during the welcome part of the service.  Stop by the Involvement Counter before you go to service and we’ll show you how.  Everyone who has held up a sign so far has received sign-ups for their group.

4.  Offer childcare.  The best way to do this is to hire a childcare worker for your group and have everyone pitch in. Making your group child friendly will make it more attractive to families looking to get connected.  For a list of church safety screened individuals email

If you have other creative ways to fill up your group leave a comment and share your ideas.

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